Monday, March 12, 2012


            God is so awesome! I just returned from Sunday night services where a guest pastor from Grand Canyon Missions came to speak. Before I knew he was going to be the speaker for the night, I had already decided to write about the Grand Canyon and the global flood. Tonight’s service was just the topping on the ice cream!

            Evolution teaches the Grand Canyon has been formed by a single waterway, the Colorado River, eroding away the ground over millions of years. The Grand Canyon is over two hundred and fifty miles long and up to eighteen miles wide in places. Thus, it is reasoned, it must have taken this long for the river to cut through the many layers of rock to reach its present location, over one mile below the rim. However there are several problems with theory. Let us explore what they are.

            1) The rock layers. There are four basic rock layers in the Grand Canyon. The first layers are considered the basement rock strata (granites and metamorphic rocks), and were formed on Day Three of Creation Week. The second layer, the Grand Canyon Supergroup, consists of sedimentary rock deposited throughout the pre-flood era. These  layers of strata are tilted which is an indication of tectonic activity. The third layers (nine altogether) were deposited during the Noachian flood. These sediments, unhindered, were stirred up, transported by the swirling currents and eventually settled to a new bottom, covering over all other rocks (Genesis 7-8). There is an interesting phenomenon about the third layers of rock. The strata were in places tilted, going through “great tectonic activity as the Colorado Plateau was uplifted during the final stages of the Flood”. The sediments are folded and bent, with no fractures or breakage in the bends. This means the layers must have been folded while still soft and pliable unlike the basement rocks which fractured. “The sand grains in these sedimentary layers show no evidence that the material was brittle and rock-hard, and neither has the mineral cementing the grains been broken. Instead, the evidence points to the whole 4,000-feet (1.220 m) thickness of horizontal strata being still “plastic” when it was uplifted and bent.” The fourth sector is very localized strata and was deposited on the surface of the Kaibab Plateau after the flood.
            Evolutionists, on the other hand admit they are unsure of how to explain the horizontal and folded rock layers. They date the rocks utilizing radioisotopes, which is based on the rate of decay of radioactive isotopes. “Because all such age-dating methods are based on assumptions, these methods tend to be unreliable. It has been shown many times that samples taken from the same rocks produce different dates! Additionally, tests on rocks of known age have yielded false results.” In addition, evolutionists see 10 million years of “missing” time and material at the contact point between the Coconino Sandstone and the Hermit Shale. However, there is no sign of either physical or chemical erosion between the layers. The contact point runs the entire length of the canyon, so what is missing?

2) The fossils. There are fossils of marine creatures such as brachiopods (bi-valves like clams and oysters), corals and mollusks, ferns and other plants, and fossilized footprints and trackways of amphibians and reptiles throughout the rock layers. Many of these fossils show evidence of rapid burial – like clams being in a closed position.

Evolutionists explain this by theorizing a local flood. However, fossils found in the rock layers at the Grand Canyon are also found throughout the world in the same type of rock layers. Evolutionists try to explain the history of the Grand Canyon included local floods. Uh…if it really was a local flood, how did marine organisms get to Arizona?

3) There are other evidences a catastrophic event was the cause of the formation of the Grand Canyon, including the south rim being lower than the north rim by several hundred feet. And the fact of a butte extending a thousand feet above the canyon rim indicating the surrounding land was eroded away by a tremendous force.

I have found that evolutionists tend to ignore these details. In fact evolutionists even avoid using the word cataclysmic. Why? It sounds too much like the bible. Wow.

Until next week!
God bless and take care,

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