Monday, August 27, 2012


     Greetings everyone! I have been in such a rush…the due date for my first novel is September 1, not even a week away! I am so excited even though there is still much to wrap up. It has been a process, but not as long as I thought it would be.
There are other processes that people think took a long time as well. Millions of years to be exact. I often get asked how the earth could be as young as six thousand years when there is ‘evidence of great age’. I have to remind anyone who thinks in such a way to take a closer look at the facts. The most important is; formation of anything is a matter of condition, not of time. Let’s take a look at three formations that have been taught to us to need millions of years for formation.
*Opals. Opals are beautiful stones, unique among precious gems because they do not take a regular crystalline shape but are amorphous. And surprisingly, opals are made of commonplace stuff. Ground water carrying dissolved silica (similar to what is found in window glass) seeps through beds of sand and grit. Then the silica particles are deposited in cracks. As the water evaporates, the silica particles become ‘cemented’ to form the opal. Light bending around the silica produces the variety of reflecting colors. As a matter of fact, Australian researchers have evidence that opals can form rapidly. According to their scientific report, the right conditions—not long time spans—are all that is needed to make opals.  Even a Pilosaur fossil has been found that is about 80% opal!
“Len Cram, a Lightning Ridge ‘bush’ scientist who earned his Ph.D. for his opal research, can now ‘grow’ opal in natural Lightning Ridge (Lightning Ridge is located in New South Wales and is famous for high-quality black opal) opal dirt, the sandy grit in which the natural opals are found. Once the electrolyte is mixed into the opal dirt, colour starts to form within four to six days. Seams of opal then actually grow, identical in shape and form to that found in the ground, some with colour and some without, the process taking about three months.”1 In three to five years Len has ‘grown’ opals that cannot be distinguished from natural opals, even under an electronic microscope. Now that is a far cry from hundreds of thousands of years!
*Stalagmites and stalactites (speleothems). These cave formation also form rapidly under the right conditions. They are formed when water drips and the dissolved solutions within the water get left behind. Caves in tropical forests form much more rapidly due to the increased precipitation. Even the desert regions of today were once much wetter (see blog on wet deserts) from the closing stages of and after the great Noachian deluge. “With the incredible amounts of water from the Flood, the increased carbon levels from all the decaying matter and the related tectonic activity, the global Flood described in Genesis 7–8 produced the right conditions for caves to form very quickly.”2 And therefore, for speleothem formation to occur rapidly. Millions of years are not needed for caves and their formations to form.
I can attest to this personally. While living in the Mohave desert, I used a swamp cooler several months of the year. When the season for swamp coolers was over, I would always go out and clean the pan. There clinging to the bottom would be a row of stalactites up to five inches long and formed in only a four months! That is almost a foot per year in the dry Mohave desert!
            Fossils. Did you know it is essential for fossils to form rapidly. Why? Because if they did not form rapidly, the subject matter would decay and/or be scavenged before it could be fossilized. Millions of years for fossilization would require the dead body to remain intact until the final hardened process is complete. Today, even secular scientists are beginning to admit fossils must be fast-formed.  If something is “suddenly and deeply buried in mineral-rich sediment, then minerals could crystallize throughout the (organism)…and turn it to stone before it had time to decay.” So how fast can something fossilize? Faster than the organism can decay. There are fossils of a boot, hat, ham, flour sack, even teddy bears. “Others (fossils) have been found suddenly frozen in the process of giving birth and others have been found with fine soft tissue detail down to the cellular level (still turgid gills of fish preserved in the Santana Formation – indicating complete fossilization in less than 1 hour)”4. Now that is really a far cry from millions years! Fossils can even be made in a laboratory! Undistinguishable from those dug up!
            And don’t let anyone tell you “yeah, but that’s just one thing.”. There are more, much more evidences that match a young earth theory including rapid diamond and amber formations.
            So I hope I have given you some food for thought…God’s fingerprints are everywhere!

Until next time, God bless and take care!

PS – in the night sky, “the constellations Ursa Major the Great Bear and Cassiopeia the Queen lie on opposite sides of the North Celestial Pole, so they appear to pivot around the North Star (Polaris) throughout the course of the night and the year. In late August and early September, these two constellations appear equally high as darkness falls.”5

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