I have decided to continue with this blog...at least for awhile!
How is everyone this week? I have been doing well but very busy at this time of taxes due! I just keep plugging away at it and eventually it will get down. But I sure would like get away with ignoring it!
I wonder if this is how Eve felt when satan, in disguise as a serpent, tempted her to just ignore God. One little thing…what could be so bad?
But that is the next major event that occurred in the World History. We

Nothing at that time was out of order. There was no pain, suffering, disease, struggle for existence, disharmony, sin or death. Genesis 1:31 is clear about this since God stated there it was all “very good”. I don’t know about you but to me, death, disease, struggles, suffering is not good! So we know none of that could have happened before the fall.

Well then, how long did Adam and Eve walk with God in the garden of Eden? How long did that beautiful universe last?
Unfortunately, not very long. In Genesis 1:28, God instructs Adam and Eve to be fruitful and multiply. And we know that when the Fall of Man occurred, this first couple was childless.
So because of Adam’s and Eve’s disobedience, God cursed His newly created world. The three main aspects to the curse corresponded to the three basic created entities described Genesis One and seems to be more of a removal of His sovereign hand that held everything in order. They are as follows:
1) The physical elements of the universe (Genesis 1:1) now groaneth “under bondage of corruption” (or decay) Romans 8:22; Genesis 3:18. Iron turns to rust, radioactive material decays, granite decomposes, etc.
2) The conscious life in animals (Genesis 1:21), the serpent, as an animal, was cursed “above all the cattle, and above every beast of the field”. God had made many other “creeping things” and God now made the serpent to join them. And all animals (life) would now begin to die.
3) The spiritual nature of God-in-man, was now separated from The Lord due to the curse.
After the Fall of Mankind, the earth underwent drastic changes for now “Cursed is the ground” (the same word as earth). Now the basic material of the physical creation, the “dust of the earth” out of which all things had been made were brought under the bondage of decay and disintegration. Examples include; iron to rust, granite decomposes, uranium decays etc.

But what of other things, like the instinct to kill and the claws and teeth of predators? Well, we will see how that all fits in to Gods perfect plan….next time!
Until then, God Bless and take care!
Willow Dressel
This week in the night sky: March 12, 2013; About 15 minutes after sunset, “As seen from North America, Comet PanSTARRS is now left of the Moon by two or three finger-widths at arm’s length. It’s a hazy “star” with a thin, upward pointing tail only about 1° long. Bring binoculars for a better view. Southern hemisphere night skywatchers have been viewing this comet for a while and report from Australia and southern South America that it looks like a “fuzzy star a little brighter than those in the Big Dipper with a short stub of a tail visible to the naked eye.” This comet will only be visible for about one more week, so enjoy!
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