Good day everyone! How are all of you doing this week? I have prayed to our Lord this week for all you people⎯for peace, understanding and a closer walk with Him. I just love all you readers an Jesus does too!
It is easy to enjoy our days this time of year when the weather isn’t so harsh either in cold or heat. I do believe that is what many of our ancestors felt/did before The Flood. They lived the life with much advanced technology to make things easy for them...and drifted away from the Creator God and their dependance on Him.
Adam was still alive when Methuselah, a wonderful man of God, was born. As a matter of fact, the two lived on earth at the same time for at least 230 years. That the bible mentions Methuselah is a clue that this man was important. It is reasonable to think that Adam and Methuselah spent time together at some point (and probably more than once). Methuselah being a man of God would know the importance of Adam’s accumulated knowledge. It is logical that he would have recorded much of what Adam and he discussed.
Methuselah was alive all the way to The Flood. He and Noah would have had around 600 years to get to know each other and relay or make other copies of the history and knowledge of the world since it’s creation. Noah, also being a man of God, would understand the importance of preserving this information on the ark.

So let’s see what some more of this knowledge was that had been brought over from the Former World. We already learned about irrigation, sanitation, mining, forging, and metallurgy advanced knowledge of New World obviously passed along from noah and his family. A fascinating note is that beyond question there are parallels in the ancient technology found throughout the world. “Charles Hapgood supports this, saying ‘There are curious connections and comparisons that can be made between the ancient sciences of Greece, Egypt, Babylonia, and China.’”1 And I would add between these cultures and ancient central and south american cultures and even India as well. Some of these similarities include astronomy, timekeeping, irrigation, construction of buildings and towers and boats, writing. Pottery and artwork.
Other advanced technologies were more independent. For example cosmetics and pigment utilized by the ancient Egyptians included manufactured artificial lead-based compounds. They also had “‘slot machines’ for holy water!”2 The early Greeks developed working steam boilers and at the early Indus valley sight of Meragh in India, there is “evidence of bitumen use for waterproofing and drills used for dentistry.”3 Not something you would think ancient mankind would have.
Next week we will look into world wide similarities in the construction of buildings and towers.
Until then, God bless, and take care!
Willow Dressel
This week in the night skies: for the northern hemisphere “Friday, October 11, First-quarter Moon (exact at 7:02 p.m. Eastern Daylight Time, [USA]). The Moon, half lit, shines above the pouring Sagittarius Teapot in early evening. Triple shadow transit on Jupiter. A rare case of three moons — Io, Europa, and Callisto — casting their tiny black shadows onto Jupiter at the same time happens late this night, from 4:32 to 5:37 Universal Time October 12th (12:32 to 1:37 a.m. Saturday morning Eastern Daylight Time). Jupiter will be high and best placed for telescope users in Europe and Africa, and low in the east for eastern North America.”4
For the southern hemisphere; “Mars and Jupiter are prominent in the early morning. Venus is easily visible in the western evening sky with Saturn below . Mercury rises higher in the evening sky and is close to Saturn on the 7th. The Moon is near the pair of Mercury and Saturn on the 7th and close to Venus on the 8th. Comet C/2012 S1 ISON visible in telescopes.”5
1,2,3 Landis, Don, et el., “The Genius of Ancient Man Evolution’s Nightmare”. Green Forest, Ar. Master Books, 2013. pp. 24, 47.
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