Hello all you fine people out there! How did this last week go for you all? Mine was a bit trying because everything seemed to happen at once and I was slammed. But even so I love being involved in so many things.
Speaking of being involved, how many of you remember all the controversy over global warming. And its still going on! In 2006 former vice president Al Gore even was the narrator in an Oscar-winning documentary called An Inconvenient Truth. The documentary puts out an intimidating theory of if left unchecked, man will ultimately not only destroy themselves but the entire earth. But is that the truth? How do we know?
It is necessary to dissect the issue to expose the answer. So lets’s look a little deeper. It is evident that this subject is complex but there are really two issues involved with global warming; science and politics.
First with the science. As with evolution, there are the physical evidences and then interpretations of that evidence. Also as with evolution there are differing views of interpretation. So what are the scientific facts?
Because this subject is so complex I will just touch it fairly lightly. Our globe and its atmosphere with its magnetic field contains a geophysical system that is affected by the sun,moon and other extraterrestrial objects (i.e. asteroids, comets etc.). There are four principal systems that effect earth’s climate; the cryosphere which encompasses the frozen grounds especially in high elevations and the poles, the hydrosphere which are the oceans, lakes, rivers, aquifers, etc., the biosphere which are the plants and animals, and the atmosphere (most importantly the troposphere where the weather happens).

The hydrosphere covers 70 percent of the earth’s surface and acts as a sponge for carbon dioxide where this compound is stored for a long time. When there is an increase in carbon dioxide it basically overloads the “system” and the oceans can become acidic in places. When this happens it can negatively effect some of the hydro ecosystems like coral reefs.
The biosphere in this Post Flood world is much less than it was
in the Pre Flood world. How do we know? Well the biggest clue is in the fossil fuels. In order to have as much fossil fuels as we do, there had to be a tremendous about of biomass, much, much more than what exists today. If we compressed all of the existing biomass, it would only produce a fraction of the current fossil fuels. What does this have to do with global warming? Scientists believe CO2, which can be naturally released into the atmosphere by forest fires and exhaled air and also through man by the burning of fossil fuels, is the biggest proponent for increasing worldwide temperatures. But is this true?
Even though all four of systems effect the climate, by far it is the atmosphere that is the most controversial. This is where the greenhouse effect (the trapping of heat on the earth) takes place.
And it is the man-released CO2 that comes into question.
“In the global warming debate, it is important to separate fact from interpretation. We hear a great deal about the dangers of CO2 emissions and greenhouse gases, but rarely do we hear the facts behind the hype.”1
Next week we will take a better look “behind the scenes.” Until then, take care and God bless,
Willow Dressel
This week in the night skies, “Tuesday, October 7 Total eclipse of the full Moon happens before dawn Wednesday morning for North and Central America; Wednesday evening for Australia and eastern Asia. We’re approaching the second of four total lunar eclipses that come at half-year intervals in 2014 and 2015: a lunar-eclipse tetrad. All four can be seen from at least parts of North America. The one before dawn on Wednesday, October 8th, will be visible from nearly all of the Americas. Moreover, the Moon, two days after perigee, will be 5% larger in diameter than it was during the first eclipse of the tetrad on April 14-15 earlier this year. See our article, Wake Up to a Total Lunar Eclipse on October 8.” This is the second of four “blood moons.”
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