Hi guys! How has your week been? Mine has been a blessing as always. My adopted daughter just had her baby boy…that makes number 5 grandson for me! And all this excitement has me wired!

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Neuron with synapses (electrical discharge). |
“The basic building block of the nervous system is the nerve cell, called a neuron. The brain itself consists primarily of neurons. Under a microscope a neuron looks like an octopus with many
tentacles. A neuron can transmit an electrical impulse to the next neuron (see How do our nerves transmit information?). The network of electrical impulses enables us to receive information from the physical world and then send it to our brains, and
vice versa. Without the neuron circuits our bodies would completely shut down, like turning off the power supply to a city.”2
But how does our brain get the information to begin with. Humans and most of the animal kingdom receive information from our five senses; sight, sound, taste, touch, and smell. Once something from these five senses comes to us it is relayed using sensory receptor cells which change this form of energy into electrical signals. There are different receptor cells for each of the five senses. These receptor cells are “switched on” or “off” according to the right conditions. The electrical pulses can range from 10 to 500 impulses per second depending on the intensity of the stimuli (a furry rabbit or a hot coal for example).
“To gain a true comprehension of the complexity of this circuitry, we must understand that co-ordination between neurons is essential. The computations required for such co-ordination are enormous. “There may be from ten trillion to one hundred trillion synapses [i.e. connections between neurons] in the brain, and each one operates as a tiny calculator that tallies signals arriving as electrical pulses.” [Emphasis added.] Thus, messages to and from
the brain are relayed, moving from one neuron to another.
“It is difficult to understand how anyone can believe that the nervous system, particularly the brain, could have been produced by evolutionary randomness and selection. We have barely touched on some of the electrical design present in the rest of the body. The truth is that scientists are always discovering more about its workings, since its complexity, which far surpasses anything produced by man, is nothing short of a miracle. Truly we can say with David, “I will praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Your works are marvellous and my soul knows it very well” (Psalm 139:14).”3
The nervous system is so much more complicated than the brief description above. But it all boils down to intelligent design. Which of course means there had to have been an Intelligent Designer! But then, isn’t that what history tells us?
Until next time, take care and God bless,
Willow Dressel
This week in the night skies: For everyone, full moon is Tues, May 4th. In the southern Hemisphere, “The eta Aquariids meteor shower, the debris from Halleys comet, will peak on May 6 UT . However, good rates will be seen from Australia on the mornings of the 7th and 8th.”4
Read Human nervous system here