Hello everyone!
What a week I had! Headaches almost every day and no slack in the work load, lol! Well I just kept muscling through it and of course medicine helped a lot too. I hope for all of you, your week went much better than mine!
I received a comment on my earlier blog written about Animal Kinds Viable Offspring this past week and wanted to address it for all of you. The comment was anonymous and just a link to youtube. He recorded a mini documentary (MD) about the theory of evolution vs creation science in regards to animal kinds. It shares information about what is called a ring
species which he believes disproves the creation account. But some valuable information was left out.
Thus this blog is dedicated to address this issue so my readers can get, ‘the rest of the story’. Here is the link to anonymous’s youtube. Please view it to better understand this blog.
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Ring species: Each variety can interbreed but the two most northern one can’t so the ring is incomplete. |
Thus this blog is dedicated to address this issue so my readers can get, ‘the rest of the story’. Here is the link to anonymous’s youtube. Please view it to better understand this blog.
With two exceptions the MD was pretty accurate and certainly well produced. However, what the MD did not address, is the reason the last connection in the ring species did not happen. There are two reasons for incomplete ring species breeding; behavior and physical variations. For example, earlier in the MD there was a small segment from Kent Hovind where he speaks of dogs and all the different
breeds. He even has a picture of a Mastiff and a Chihuahua. Obviously this is a great example of physical variations. A complete ring could be made between these two dogs through artificial insemination (given of course that the female is the Mastiff lol!). But it could not happen naturally. There are many mixed breed species such as puggles, labadoddles, mutts and many more that prove this is true. A great example of breeching the physical difficulty is in the blog Animal Kinds Viable Offspring. It is the cama, a cross between a camel and llama. These two animals if put in a pen together could not breed do to physical differences (and possibly courting differences) so it would appear to be an incomplete species ring. However, as the picture proves, the hybrid cama is indeed possible though only through artificial insemination. In the wild it would appear as an incomplete species ring.
The example given in the MD of the greenish warbler (Phylloscopus trochiloides) having an incomplete species ring is due to behavior difference. Darwin Irwin’s research group from the University of British Columbia, Department of Zoology, states the greenish warbler’s (“original” range is the southern Himalayas Mountains) adaptations that resulted
from dispersal to the east and west around the Tibetan plateau changed both the physical and behavioral attributes of the “original” greenish warbler. So much so that scientists have come up with four different sub-species in addition to greenish warbler. All can interbreed except for the northern-most eastern and western sub-species (Phylloscopus trochiloides viridian's and Phylloscopus trochiloides plumbeitarsus respectively).
What the MD doesn’t mention is “West Siberian greenish
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Siberian greenish warbler-two wing bars |
warblers (P. t. viridanus) and east Siberian greenish warblers (P. t. plumbeitarsus) differ subtly in their plumage patterns, most notably in their wing bars, which are used in communication. While viridanus has a single wing bar, plumbeitarsus has two.”1 Another major communication bump between these two sup-species is in the male’s song. “Male greenish warblers are very active singers, using song both to attract females and to defend their territories. Each male has a repertoire of song units, and songs are made by stringing together units in various ways. There is much geographical variation in both the song units and the rules by which units are assembled into songs…There is a clear gradient in song characteristics around the ring, with the northern forms viridanus and plumbeitarsus differing dramatically in their songs…It is relatively easy to hear the song differences in the field, and playback experiments have shown that the birds distinguish between types of songs. A male greenish warbler will aggressively
respond to songs that it recognizes as belonging to its own species, intending to chase an intruding male out of its territory, but it usually will not respond to song from a distantly related population. Females probably also use the song differences to distinguish among potential mates.”2 To hear these songs click on the link in the reference section.
The study also mentions genetics. “Genetic data show a pattern very similar to the pattern of variation in plumage and songs. The two northern forms viridanus and plumbeitarsus are highly distinct genetically, but there is a gradient in genetic characteristics through the southern ring of populations.”3 Again this actually backs up creation science. It would be expected, from both sides (evolution and creation) that the two places the birds show district variations (their plumage and vocalizations) would also have different DNA patterns. However the subspecies did not have any DNA differences, including sexual reproduction organs. Long story short, its not that the birds can’t reproduce, its that they won’t.
One other thing the MD doesn’t mention is there is actually another sub-species of greenish warblers (Phylloscopus trochiloides nitrides) found in the Albors Mountain range. And where are these mountains located? Just beneath the Caspian sea heading up the western side
and ending by the Black sea. Right where Mount Ararat is located. Where the Ark landed. I would say that this sub-species is the “original” kind.
It also seems to me that this little bird’s adaptions (from DNA that already existed in its genes [as designed by the Creator from the begining—remember mutations are a loss or rearrangement of DNA which is all—except one—detrimental to the individuals]) is evidence of not only animal kinds but of animal dispersal after the global flood. A well defined fingerprint of God. If P. t. viridanus and P. t. plumbeitarsus were artificially inseminated, I would bet my life that they would be able to produce viable offspring thus completing their species ring.
Thank you to Anonymous for the comment!
God bless and enjoy God’s creation out there!
Willow Dressel
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