Hello all of you fine people out there!
I pray all of you are better then I as I still struggle with pneumonia. It turned colder here where I am and I got to thinking about the Ice Age. I touched on this subject in earlier blogs but did not get into what ever happened to the great mammoths.
In this part, I’m going to break the discussion down into several categories for easier understanding; Design, Territories, and Instant Freeze (was there really one?).
Design-The original elephant kind probably had little or no fur and hair. But they would have carried and passed down fur bearing genes even to the two elephant kinds that migrated onto the ark. Only a omniscient God would know and design animals to have such genes needed for adaptations many generations later.
Territories-From hundreds of thousands of fossils and the few frozen remains, we know the woolly mammoths lived in the lowlands of Siberia, the Bering Strait region, Europe, and several other places. It is estimated that at least several million mammoths inhabited Siberia and Alaska alone.
Instant freeze?-Most people have heard that intact carcasses of some mammoths contained partially digested food in their
stomachs and are found in standing positions, some with broken bones. First of all, only a dozen intact carcasses have been found standing upright. It is from these 12 carcasses that some scientists have claimed an unprecedented super-cell fast freeze had to have happened in order to preserve such stomach contents. These scientists are correct in one aspect. A freeze must have happened fairly quick for preservation to occur. But not a world wide super-freeze.
The rest of mammoth carcasses (defined as any scrap of flesh and only about 90 of these scraps have been found) and bones— the vast majority (millions)— are buried and show extensive decay. But even the dozen intact carcasses show signs of decay. In the ice they looked well preserved however as soon as the ice was melted, they reeked of decaying flesh. Also fly pupae where discovered on the bodies of the other 90 carcasses.
Then how could these few carcasses be in standing positions? Well, only five animals have been found in the standing positions (three mammoths and two wool rinos) and they were found in
loess-dust storm deposits of permafrost. Much like the American dust bowl, the climate change of dry and windy weather would have brought catastrophic dust storms. When one of these storms would occur, like any other creature these Ice Age animals would turn their backs to the fierce winds and the loess would pile up around them like snow does around a snow fence. At some point a few of these animals realized they were in trouble and tried to break free, even to the point where they broke their forelimbs.Interestingly enough, all the animals standing upright died of either drowning or suffocation. They were all found in river terraces and deltas associated with river flooding. The carcasses were buried on top of flood sediments, so they were
frozen in water and muck (a term for water mixed with surrounding debris, not glacial ice) at some time during the Ice Age, after the Great Global Deluge. The physical evidence suggests these mammoths were buried in water and muck (either before or after they died) and frozen fast enough to preserve them. Then the permafrost ‘grew’ up around them.![]() |
Courtesy of Answers in Genesis |
The last remaining ‘mystery’ is the partially digested food found in the mammoths stomachs. It is really rather simple. The elephant kind (of which mammoths belonged to) have a different digestive system than bovines do (or us for that matter). Their stomach has very little digestive acid or micro organisms. It is used mainly as a storage space. Most of the breakdown occurs within the elephants (mammoths) intestinal tract. Interestingly enough, partially preserved mastodons found in North America also contain incompletely digested foods in their stomach, but no one claims that these animals were quick frozen. Even more fascinating is the fact that the foods found in the mammoths stomach indicates different seasons of death that occurred.
It is reasonable to consider that mammoths and mastodons would still be alive today if the remaining animals were never hunted by humans. With the large termination of the beasts to the north and hunting pressure to the south, these amazing animals of the elephant kind were doomed to extinction. A sad but true event of history. A point of interest, “Some years back, creationist Ice Age researcher, Michael Oard, deduced that some woolly
mammoths (and other animals) would most likely have been asphyxiated by—believe it or not—violent Ice Age dust storms. n an article just published in the latest issue of the Journal of Creation, Oard goes on to tell how, at the time he made this prediction, no secular researchers considered Ice Age dust storms a possibility. Additionally, there was no evidence of Ice Age animals dying by suffocation. But recent analysis of two (separate) baby mammoths—with mud packed in oral cavities, nasal passages and lungs—appears to validate Oard's prediction. Researchers concluded that their deaths were caused by asphyxiating on dust or mud!”1
Make sure you read next week’s blog when I will divulge some very interesting facts about the Ice Age era including, wet deserts, disharmonious associations, and de-glaciation.
The physical world always backs up Gods word because scripture is the unaltered truth!
Until next time take care and God bless,
Willow Dressel
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