Good afternoon everyone!
How are all my friends out there? I am well but my little doggie is healing from a wound so extra time needs to go to her. And since she is so little, I am spending much of my time bending over!
And that brings me to our topic this week. Bending over, or rather walking upright. And lifting. Treatments for back problems have in the past been based on the idea “that humans at one time walked on all fours and that back problems were produced primarily by complications resulting from humans’ newly evolved upright posture.” It has been a common belief amongst doctors that back problems in today’s humans resulted from our “newly evolved” upright posture on vertebrae that were originally evolved for quadrupedal locomotion.
W.M. Krogman wrote an article in the 1951 Scientific America that stated when humans started walking upright it resulted in a “terrific mechanical imbalance” and backaches became common. Doctors believe that “Since the spine was ‘deformed’ when humans began to stand and walk erect, (then) Darwinists concluded that the logical treatment for back pain would be to decrease or, ideally, reverse the lordosis curve.”1 The lordosis curve, or more formally known as Cervical and Lumbar Lordosis, is an inward curve—that is to the anterior or front of your body—of the spine. The cervical lordosis is a curve of the cervical spine area (the neck area) and lumbar lordosis is a curve in the lumbar region of the spine (the low back region). Both of these curves are perfectly normal and in fact beneficial. Cervical lordosis helps to stabilize the head and spine and lumbar lordosis helps to balance the upper torso.

“Fortunately, a Wellington, New Zealand physical therapist named Robin McKenzie13–15 discovered that posture exercises that restored full (normal) lordosis actually decreased, or even eventually abolished back pain in many patients. This was the exact opposite of what had been recommended by Williams and other therapists based on Darwinian explanations.”2
So now a days it is commonly recognized that back problems are not due to evolution gone bad in the upright posture. Well then, what causes back pain? Simple abuses to our bodies such as lack of exercise, poor posture, stress, staying in unusual positions for long periods of time, smoking, and obesity. Can we overcome back pain? The answer is yes. “Now exercise (including brisk walking) and normal sleep patterns are recommended. Research by Sobel and Klein has found that walking was highly beneficial in the vast majority of cases and helpful in the long term for 98% of the 500 cases they studied. Modern treatment is designed to improve both sitting and standing postures, educate patients in correct lifting mechanics, develop good sleep habits, use a firm-but-comfortable
mattress, and most important, to stay in shape with regular physical exercise (including both moderate muscle building and a stretching program). Exercise allows a maximum number of muscles to carry the weight rather than just a few, the latter of which invariably triggers a set of forces that can affect back health adversely. Furthermore, stretching allows for flexibility so the back system can function correctly.”3
I’m sure glad we don’t live in the “dark ages of darwinism”, that is from about 1850 to 1970, before so many scientific discoveries were made that that confirm and support creation and the Bible. God created us and if we would just stick to His instructions, we will always be better off!
Until next time,
Willow Dressel
This week in the night skies; “Friday, April 3 A total eclipse of the Moon happens before or during dawn Saturday morning for the western half of North America; the farther west you are the better. It happens during Saturday evening for Australia and the Far East. This eclipse is barely total and for only about 12 minutes, from about 11:54 to 12:06 April 4th UT (GMT). Partial eclipse begins at 10:15 UT and ends at 13:45 UT. For maps and more, see the April Sky & Telescope, page 50, or the version online: Preview of April 4th’s Total Lunar Eclipse.”4
For the southern skies—“The Full Moon is Saturday April 4, there is a total lunar eclipse at this time. The partial phase of the eclipse begins at 9:15 pm AEDST (8:45 pm ACDST and 6:15 pm AWST) with totality around one and a half to one and three quarter hours later. This is the last total eclipse seen from Australia until 2018. Full details for observing the eclipse are here, and hints on photographing the eclipse here.”5
Well, this is interesting. I want to thank you for this great article. Thanks for sharing this :)
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