Hello again
my fine friends! It is another beautiful
day in Arizona and I am so grateful for it. Even though it is already December the
weather remains beautiful! All the animals are enjoying it too; my horse, dogs
and chickens as well as the wild birds I toss some seeds out to.
Though I
love so much God’s animal creations, I know there is a difference between the
animal creations and God’s human creations.

And that is
true. Animals do have many, many similarities to us, and us to them. But does
that make us another animal that God created? An animal in his own image?
The answer
is no. All of creation God completed first…except for mankind. Adam He created out of
dust breathing life into him, and Eve he molded out of Adam’s rib. Then, the bible tells us one after another of
the animals were brought in front of Adam for him to name. But it also demonstrated that
he, Adam was alone in his kind. “There was clearly no kinship in any manner between man and the animals. None was like him; none could provide fellowship
or companionship for him. It is abundantly clear and certain that he had not
recently evolved from them! If the latter were true, and his body were still
essentially an ape’s body (or the body of whatever ‘hominid’ form may have been
his immediate progenitor), it seems strange that he could have found nothing in
common with either parents or siblings [of his ape like family]. On this point, as on many
other, the notion of human evolution confronts and contradicts the plain
statements of Scripture”

For example,
the model T car is not a Rolls Royce, which is not a Harley Davidson, nor an
airplane, jet or helicopter. However these items share many of the same
components, because those components work
for what they are intended. Just because we share some of the same designs
doesn’t mean we are animals, nor that animals are humans. If us mere humans design in such a manner,
why wouldn’t our amazing God?
And there is
one very big difference. It was mankind that brought on original sin. No animal
ate of the tree of good and evil. Only Adam and Eve; causing the fall of man. I
have no proof, but I believe that is why animals still have such good instincts…because
it wasn’t their kind that broke fellowship with God. 
And though I
love animals and they are eternally ever a part of my life, I am most grateful
that I am not one!
Until next
time, take care and God bless!
This week in the night sky - Tonight, December
3, “by 8 or 9 p.m., wintry Orion is well up in the east-southeast.
Orion's Belt in his middle points up more or less toward Aldebaran and bright
Jupiter. And it points down toward where Sirius, the brightest star of the
night, is about to rise.” And “Thursday,
December 6, Jupiter's Great Red Spot crosses Jupiter's central meridian
around 11:45 p.m. EST.”
Answers In Genesis
Institute for Creation Research
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