all my fine friends!
Well be finally have winter weather settling in. We had a
winter snow storm over the weekend (great for setting the Christmas mood),
which has now melted leaving muddy and dripping. But I don’t mind, we certainly
need the moisture and my horse has fun kicking up his heels and flinging mud

reason this theory does not work is that the earth does not rotate fast enough to
fling material out of its gravitational pull (thank goodness!). Well, you may
be thinking, what if at one time the earth did
rotate faster-like in the ‘beginning’. First of all there is no evidence of
that, but let’s just say this did happen, the earth in the beginning spun so
fast it flung off huge chucks of rocks
and dirt. Now we have another problem. In the process of these huge chunks of
debris breaking away from earth’s gravity, our planet’s gravity would have crushed
the material to such a degree that it would resemble Saturn's rings rather than
a moon.

God Bless and take care!
Willow Dressel
This week in the sky: “The
first-discovered asteroid, 1 Ceres, is at opposition tonight [December 17th].
It's not far from 4 Vesta, which is also in Taurus along with Jupiter. Ceres
and Vesta are now magnitudes 6.7 and 6.5, respectively. Spot them in binoculars
near the horns of Taurus…” Also, Friday December 21 is the winter solstice
marking the shortest daylight hours of the year!
http://www.answersingenesis.org/articles/1997/11/05/astronomy-bible Astronomy
and the Bible Selected Questions and Answers Excerpted from the Book Astronomy and the Bible by Donald B.
DeYoung November 5, 1997
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