Hello to all my fine friends out there!
beautiful week has passed us by. And I think I can speak for all of us
here in the northern hemisphere; we are sure glad that winter has passed
by too! Oh sure, we will have a cold spell or two, there may even be a
brief snowstorm left. But for all reasonable purposes, we survived the
winter and spring is well on its way.

let’s look at life during the Ice Age. First, other than the ice, one
of the most unusual (and fascinating) things that occurred during this
time period was the development of the mega fauna. It appears and is
quite reasonable to accept that by the 3rd Post-Flood
generation (when mastodons first appear in the fossil record), animals
had already begun to diversify into different varieties of the same
kind. If you remember, by this time the climate was in constant
change-and Antarctica was now under ice. With God’s ingenious plan of an
enormous amount of information stored in the original animal kinds’
DNA, it is logical that when environmental, hunting, and competition
began to come into play, so did survival of the fittest.
of the fittest, by no means is evolution (which states that one species
can change into another given enough time). Survival of the fittest is a
change within the genus, or kind, of an animal. Let’s take for example
the most prominent animal of the Ice Age-wooly mammoths and mastodons.
As the glaciers rapidly moved southward, those animals within the
elephant kind (genus) that grew longer and more fur, and had shorter
ears, and were larger, would without a doubt, survive much better in the
northern regions than those in the elephant kind that were virtually
hairless and had large ears. However, those animals in the elephant kind
that were hairless, smaller and had large ears (to help disperse heat)
would do quite well in the warmer climates to the south where the wooly
mammoth would overheat. And those animals still survive today as the
African and Asian elephants.
you see the same affect in the Ice Age’s giant beaver. Similar to the
beaver we are all familiar with, it grew to over 8 feet long and weighed
in at 200 pounds! Other animals found in the fossil record show that
during the Ice Age, those that lived in the lowlands near the glaciers
where large in size. The saber-toothed cat, glyptotherium, cave bear and
giant sloth, just to name a few.
other words, some animals variations appear to have grown larger
because of the abundant available resources (Cope’s Rule) found for
several generations after The Flood, while others grew this way because
the efficiency of size (large) that produces better heat retention
(known as Bergmann’s Rule), and would have had great advantages as the
temperatures plummeted during glacial formation.
What about the people…the caveman. Where do they come in? Well, it is true that there are several varieties of humans as well; Homo erectus, Neanderthal, Homo floresiensis(a pigmy variation whose adult size only reached three feet tall. They have been labeled the hobbits), Denisovans (a giant human variation), and Cro-Magonon man (Homo sapiens sapiens). Though all of these people had slight differences in their skeletal structure and DNA, they are just that, people; truly human.

It is during the 4th
Post-Babel generation deposits that the first permanent settlements and
village remains are found. At this time humans entered the western
hemisphere and deglaciation had begun. Wet deserts, (those areas that
are deserts today that at one time were quite luscious, supporting vast
amounts of vegetation and water), began to dry up and by the end of the
Ice Age, had begun to turn into dry deserts.
The first permanent cities were constructed by the Cro-Magnon people (modern man) two thirds of the way through the 6th
Post-Babel generation. The bible mentions two people involved with
this; Nimrod and Assur. It was at the end of the Ice Age, the 7th
Post-Babel generation that the mega fauna, Neanderthals, hobbits, and
Denisovans died off. But even then people still used caves. “Even in his
(Abraham’s) day, caves still were in use. Genesis mentions that lot
fled to a cave to avoid God’s judgment (Genesis 19:30)…By Job’s day,
cave dwellers had earned a bad reputation. ‘Civilized’ folk did not live
in caves. ‘Cavemen’ tended to be oppressed people who had lost their
homes (Job 24:4-8) or bandits and loners who had left civilized society
and behaved like wild animals (Job 30:3-8).”[i]
during the Ice Age, to any of the above people groups, caves would have
been their ‘hotels’. A safe place to get out of the environment and
away from bad people and hungry animals.
about the mega fauna, what caused their extinction? It is a perplexing
question, but there are some clues. The two most likely culprits are
the rapid climatic changes and human hunting pressure. In North America ,
the extinction of two-thirds of the mega fauna correlates with the
crossing of humans along the Bering Strait land bridge. “While humans
may have been primary agents of extinction, it is still uncertain that
they could have wiped out so many different species. Perhaps the rapidly
changing climate as the ice sheets retreated, or the loss of key
carnivore or herbivore groups (or even loss of some plants), resulted in
catastrophic ecological imbalances.”[ii]
It is logical that the other people groups, except for Homo sapiens succumbed to the same pressures. Such a fascinating, though short and sad part of our human history.
Until next time, God bless and take care!
Willow Dressel
week in the night sky: “On April 25-26, 2013, as seen from [all] parts
of Earth (but not North or South America), Earth’s dark umbral shadow barely clips the full moon for 27 minutes, causing the third-shortest partial lunar eclipse in the 21st century.”[iii]
[i] Answers Magazine, Finding a Home For Cavemen, Vol.7 No. 2 April-June 2012; When Did Caveman Live? Snelling, Andrew and Mike Matthews, p.55
[ii] Answers Magazine, Explaining the Ice Age, Vol. 8 No. 2 April-June 2013; When Was The Ice Age In Biblical History? Snelling, Andrew and Mike Matthews, pp. 46-52.
Essentially you conclude that evolution occurs, then pretend it somehow does not! Please, do not call this "science".
ReplyDeleteI’m sorry if that is the conclusion you came to. That is not what I meant to portray at all. Please don’t confused with micro vs macro evolution. Micro evolution being adaptation and survival of the fittest which allows an animal kind to change within in DNA limits but not into another species. Macro evolution is one species changing into another. Please point out the sentences or paragraphs which brought you confusion so I can clarify it.