Hello all my fine friends!
week has passed us by and I can’t even begin to tell you all the things
that have transpired! Everything thing seems to be moving so fast,
including the weather! There are so many flowers blooming right now-it
is such a delightful aroma!
is how the world was too, in the first decades after the flood.
Remember last week we discovered the first and second Post-Flood
generations lived in a quite balmy climate as fossils of subtropical
vegetation are found between the sediment deposits (laid down by water)
and the great ice sheets still existing in the polar regions. Now that
is not to say they weren’t dealing with massive earthquakes, volcanic
eruptions on a huge magnitude, ‘super-storms’ and constant local
flooding as the earth settled. It just means the weather was amiable
toward a subtropical climate or we wouldn’t have such fossils in the
Arctic and Antarctic. The geological and archeological facts are that
during the first Post-Flood generation, forests grew in both of the
frost-free polar regions. Animals spread throughout the world and no
human tools or fossils are found in these deposits throughout the entire
world. Also, during the second Post-Flood generation is when ice formed
over the continent of Antarctica and the southern parts of Australia
and South America. Grasslands spread out across the continents. Forests
changed to deciduous trees and tundra. No human tools or fossils are
found in these deposits throughout the entire world.

we know this language split occurred by the beginning of the fourth
generation, the birth of Peleg “…because in his time the earth was
divided…” Genesis 10:25. By this time, the climatic had taken a turn for
the worst.
facts; The term ‘Ice Age’ techniquely refers only to the time when
great ice sheets formed in the Northern Hemisphere. This occurred after
the Antarctic ice sheet had already arose (during the second Post-Flood
generation). By the third Post-Flood generation, fossils of the first
mastodons appear in these deposits. Towards the very end of this
generation, the Ice Age had begun. Huge portions of the northern
hemisphere were covered in ice. Human tools and fossils don’t appear
anywhere on earth until these layers (deposits) of the Ice Age.
Fact; the dispersion of the people in Babel would have occurred shortly
after the beginning of The Ice Age. Peleg was born at this time marking
for all time the history of this events.
geological and archeological facts; Deposits of plants and animals
associated with the Ice Age time period fall within the Pleistocene
deposits (the secular Pleistocene time line is equivalent to the fourth
through the tenth + Post-Flood generations). Ice Age animals first occur
in these layer and disappear at the end of this time frame.
fact; As the harsh conditions of the Ice Age settled, the first
Post-Babael generation was forced to scatter after the judgment at the
Tower of Babel, just as God first commanded them to do.
facts; as the cold and harsh climate continued and spread, it would be
increasingly difficult to grow crops. Even if a settlement could get a
crop in this year, one or two years later, the weather associated with
the every growing glaciers would make it impossible for agriculture. It
is in the first Post-Babel generation deposits that the first tools and
human fossils appear. At the very end of this generation the first
woolly mammoths appear in the fossils. By the second and third
Post-Babel generation, stone tools improve rapidly, the first woolly
mammoths appear in North America. And humans enter Australia.
the people scattered, the world they moved around in was much different
than it is today. By this time the waters have drained from the
Persian gulf, North Sea, and the Bering Strait.At the height of the Ice
Age, ‘land bridges’ were above water for the first time connecting
places like Japan and England to the mainland, and even connecting
Alaska and Russia. Also, the bottom of the Red sea connected Saudi
Arabia with Africa making the Red Sea a lake. At this time, the
earliest remains of humans suddenly appear throughout Africa, Asia and
Europe in the fossil record (secular science = Pleistocene layers). The
use of stone tools in these deposits (indicates the dispersing
generations began to turn from agriculture to a hunting gathering
interestingly enough, fossilized ape remains are found in earlier
geologic layers than fossilized human remains. All the studies Dr. Leaky
and Jane Goodall conducted, finding the ape fossils below human
fossils, were to prove evolution was indeed a fact. But after a certain
point, ape and human remains are intermittently found in the same
fact; the human population remained for at least 106 years after The
Flood in one place-the plain of Shinar. All the animals, including apes
dispersed immediately. Apes inhabited Africa 100 years before mankind
did. It is logical their remains are found in lower layers (deeper
deposits) than humans.
of the dispersion of mankind over a hundred years after the Dispersion
of the animals. People accountable to God. Biblical, historical and
physical evidence supports.
evolved into man. People not accountable to God. Biblical, historical
and physical evidence does not support. Fossils are either completely
human or completely primate. (map is of earliest known hominid fossil
locations in Africa)
now my friends, here is a point to ponder… perhaps the Ice Age was
God’s plan to keep people from resettling too quickly in one place
again. Hm-m-m…
you see Jesus in any of this? Remember, God is triune; the Father, the
Son, and the Holy Spirit. Every time you see the word God, Jesus is a
part of that. Jesus was there in the beginning, there during the
Judgment of the Great Deluge, there during the climatic changes, there
during the Judgment at the Tower of Babel, there during the great
dispersal of mankind and there during the Ice Age.
Until next time, God Bless and take care!
Willow Dressel
This week in the night skies: on Thursday, April 18th, the Moon is exactly first quarter. Also Saturday the 20th,
look for the Moon shinning directly below Regulus, the brightest and
lowest star in and the constellation of the Sickle of Leo.
Answers Magazine, Explaining the Ice Age, Vol. 8 No. 2 April-June 2013; When Was The Ice Age In Biblical History? Snelling, Andrew and mike Matthews, pp. 46-52.
http://www.answersingenesis.org (first two photos also)
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