Hello again!
My apologies for not writing last
week-I had an increased workload and I probably put in close to 80 hours. I just
couldn’t do the blog! But I’m back, and we can pick up where we left off.
I hope it is much clearer now,
where all the early fossils of human skeletons fit into world history. One
thing I didn’t mention is the absence of fossils from the Pre-Flood period. Quite
simply, most everything would have been destroyed in The Great Deluge. Man,
being highly intelligent, would have escaped the deluge until the very end,
seeking high ground or even surviving in boats for a short while. But unprepared,
no one could have survived a worldwide flood in anything less than an ark,
stocked and ready for a l
ong, self-sustained existence. It is not surprising
that there are no Pre-Flood human remains, or any animal remains for that
So the physical timeline of world history
starts with the Pre-Flood layers. To Biblical creationists/Flood geologists, Precambrian
rocks in general appear to be Pre-Flood or early Flood rocks formed by
processes similar to those occurring today. Like sediment laid down gradually
such as occurs in the Mississippi delta deposits. Those deposits thicken and thin,
disappear and reappear, over short distances, and contain very few fossils. They have a “swirl-cake” appearance with lumps
of fossil-poor rock. Just as this can been seen even today in the sediment
layers being produced at the mouth of the Mississippi River, the Pre/early
Flood (Precambrian) rocks layers are iden
tical and would have been laid down during
the many centuries before the Flood.
On the other hand, rapid
flood deposits have a “layer-cake” appearance and are deep, wide horizontal
bands of fossil-rich rocks. “…around the
world, the ‘first’ or ‘deepest’ layer to contain an abundance of fossil remains
is called the Cambrian geologic system. … these Cambrian ‘stones cry out’ for
Creation! Instead of a few simple life forms, hard to classify and apparently
thrown together by time and chance, as an evolutionist might expect, we find a
dazzling variety of complex life forms, apparently well-designed to multiply
after kind: clams, snails, lampshells, echinoderms, and the most complex of all
invertebrates, the nautiloids (“shelled squids”), with an eye that sees the
world as we do, and the trilobites, with their geometrically marvelous compound

As a matter of fact, much of the
Precambrian layers are either sloped upward or even vertical, as if a cataclysmic
explosion occurred beneath to push them in such an upright position. Which fits
nicely with the history of the Bible, since it recorded such an event when the
fountains of the deep broke open.

Our earliest physical evidence recorded in the earth starts with the Flood. There is much fossilization association with The Flood. But what about after The Flood? Well, “based on the ash and other materials found with post-Flood fossils, many creation scientists believe that super-volcanoes and other catastrophes in the tumultuous centuries immediately following the Flood preserved a good percentage of all the species that ever arose after the Flood.”3
And it is true that local floods, tar pits, moors, volcanic ash, etc still trap animals (and on occasions humans), leaving skeletal remains, mummifying or fossilizing the unfortunate travelers or inhabitations. It is the geologic layers of deposit they are found in that give us the clues we need to identify what time in our history these fossils etc were formed.
Such as dinosaurs. Did they all become extinct during the flood? Is that where all their fossilized remains are from? Or are some of their fossils from a later time period. We will learn more about that next time!
Take care and God bless!
Willow Dressel
This week in the night sky; “Vega, shining brightly in the east-northeast, it currently the top star of the huge Summer Triangle. Look to Vega's lower left, by two or three fists at arm's length, for Deneb. The third star of the Summer Triangle is Altair, considerably farther to Vega's lower right. Altair is barely rising in the east as dusk fades away this week.”4 And for all to see (northern and southern hemispheres), May 26 – 29th, Venus, Mercury and Jupiter are the closest they will be together together.
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