Hi guys and gals! I just spent a wonderful week with my sister and four other sisters in Christ. I really needed the break and I feel refreshed and ready to shift back and tackle life once again.
So our question from last week was; can the Redshift-Distance method be explain scientifically in relation to Creation week?
Because Creator God was there in the beginning, and wisely recorded the creation of the universe, the answer to the above question is without a doubt, yes! Let’s take a closer look.

We know from Gods infallible word in Psalms 104 verse 2 that the universe is expanding (“[God] who stretches out the heavens like a curtain:”) and that is exactly what we see when we study the stars. Remember almost all galaxies are redshifted indicating that the universe is expanding. Quick review; a red shift in astronomy is related to how far away a galaxy (or star) is from earth. The farther from earth the longer the wave length and therefore the redder the galaxy or star looks.
Delmar Dobberpulh, author of The First Four Days (WinePressPublishing, Enumclaw, WA, 2011. P160.), writes, “The speculation is that the measured redshift occurred during a single twenty-four-hour day of fast time. This occurred before God fixed the location of stars and galaxies at the end of the fourth day. In simple terms, what observers have reported as million or billion years of development occurred all in one day of fast time . The observed process rates of the events on that day were slowed by millions or billions of times in the light that is received on Earth. This slowing is caused by time dilation and the space warping between the galaxies and Earth. It is like a movie made in regular time and played back in slow motion. This effect can also be used to explain any development of stars from one type to the next such as the neutron star formed in an event like a supernova. These events also took place at different times on the fourth day.
“Instead of just unexplainable space expansion along the path light traveled to Earth, the 4-D space-time was supernaturally warped on the fourth day. This warping effect involved both space and time, both of which are directly related to light speed and gravity. Whether it was the spatial distance or the size of the intervals of time that changed along the path cannot be determined from a measurement made on light arriving on Earth. If time dilation occurred, the observed redshift could be the well-understood Doppler shifting…due to their regular Doppler motion relative to Earth. Theoretically, the Hubble flow can only be detected at the great distances that lie between galaxies.
“The Creation-Making-model as just described as superluminal speeds and accelerated process rates still taking place on the fourth day after the stars started shining. Then time dilation and space warping combined to present a slow-motion picture of a galaxy on that day to Earth. The light bringing the information started out at a greatly increases speed as slowed as it traveled toward the center of the universe. It slowed further as it entered the gravity of the galaxy and then the solar system. Astronomers have there fore observed the accelerated or fast time processes by the light that has slowed down to its present speed on Earth. If the speed of light slowed, then the process rates of events observed would also appear slowed to their normal rates on Earth. A day of accelerated process rates of events in fast time would look like millions or billions of days of normal process rate of events in slow time on Earth. The events such as supernovas, gamma ray bursts, and pulsars would appear at the same rates as if they were taking place nearby in the galaxy and not billions of light years away.
“Their motion away from Earth at the superluminal speeds would cause the redshift of spectral lines from any galaxy or quasar during a very short fast-time period on the fourth day of creation. Because the redshift is related to the distance from Earth, the galaxies could have been moving away at different rates, depending on that distance. The light that reached Earth carried the original Doppler-shift information of the source’s accelerated motion but presented it in slow motion to the observer in his slower time.”
Please note this is also a theory and a model. Since we have not
been able (yet) to travel to even the nearest galaxy (the andromeda galaxy), creation scientist also must make some inferences. The difference is that we have a recorded account of the creation of the universe. Thus when we look at the physical evidence it is easy to see how it relates to the recorded account in scripture and we don’t have to continue to make inferences upon inferences.
And where is Jesus in all of this? Why He is right there... “For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse:” (Romans 1:20).
We never have to fear for God (the trinity) will never forsake us. Stand steadfast in the faith my dear brothers and sisters, stand steadfast.
Until next time, God bless and take care.
Willow Dressel
This week in the night skies; for the northern lats; “Zenith star. If you're in the world's mid-northern latitudes, bright Capella passes straight overhead, or nearly so, around 7 or 8 p.m. (depending on how far west or east you are in your time zone). It goes exactly through your zenith if you're at latitude 46° north: for example Portland, Oregon; Montreal; central France.
And whenever Capella passes highest, Rigel in Orion's foot is always due south.”1
For the southern lats; “Jupiter is now visible all night long, rising in the east as Venus sets in the west. Easily visible in the evening as the brightest object in the north-eastern skies, it is best for telescopic views, being high enough above the horizon murk and turbulence, for around 11 pm local time on. It is highest around 1 am local daylight saving time (midnight local standard time) above the northern horizon. Aside from its obvious brightness, Jupiter is easy to find as it is close to the bright star Regulus, the brightest star in the constellation of Leo. Regulus forms the handle of the hook-shaped asterism of the sickle of Leo.”2 It is a great time to look for Jupiter’s moons as it is in near opposition (when it looks the largest).
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