Monday, March 9, 2015



Good day you all! I had to say the Australian greetings since my son just went on a visit to the “land down under”. He and his wife are just having the time of their lives living in New Zealand and taking opportunities (like visiting Australia) as they present themselves. I am so proud of the two of them and happy they are doing so well.

Speaking of the land down under way on the other side of the ocean…how did the fresh water fish survive the global flood? Let’s take a look…

Some Christians have trouble believing the global flood event because they think such a catastrophe would have wiped out all the fresh water fish (because Noah would not be able to care for an
aquarium aboard the Ark). It is sad that this would be a stumbling block for believers because there is a very good explanation!

There are a few conditions to look at before we start. First, how salty were the oceans way back in Noah’s day before the great deluge? Well, to that my friends, we only have a few clues. For example, early in the fossil record laid down by the global flood, there are echinoderms which live only in salty waters. However to what degree the pre-flood waters were salty is an unknown. 

Evolutionists claim that it took millions of years for the oceans to get to their current degree of saltiness and that it was this slow environmental change that allowed the marine creatures to adapt to their ever saltier environment. But is this true? At the current rate of salt build-up, it would only take about 62 million years for the oceans to have accumulated salts to their current salinity level.

But this doesn’t take into account any cataclysmic events--like a global flood. And it assumes that all oceans were once fresh water. “We cannot, of course, be sure, because the Bible is silent about the salinity of the ocean waters at the conclusion of the creation week.
We are told that when God created the earth on Day One, it was covered in water, which He divided on Day Two. It may be safe to assume this was all freshwater because Genesis 1:2 reveals this water was formless and ‘empty’, (perhaps meaning void or pure).

However, on Day Three God raised the land, and the covering waters were gathered together to form the seas. Thus the earth’s land surface was shaped by erosion by these retreating waters, no doubt carrying salts with them. So it’s possible a lot of salt may have been introduced to the pre-Flood oceans by this means.”1 And again this would have been repeat as the waters drained from new uplifting land masses after The Flood, caring once again dissolved salts into the oceans.

It is reasonable to conclude that pre-flood water were salty to a minor degree, that the waters which poured out in huge quantities when the “fountains of the great deep” (Genesis 7:11) broke open were fresh water, and that as the flood waters receded into the new ocean basins they carried enormous amounts of dissolved minerals, especially salts, with them. 

So what about the creatures that live in these waters? Let’s take a quick look at fish biology: “...freshwater fish tend to absorb water because the saltiness of their body fluids draws water into their bodies (by osmosis), whereas saltwater fish tend to lose water from their bodies because the surrounding water is saltier than their body fluids.

The global scale of the Flood cataclysm produced gigantic problems affecting the very survival of many species. Indeed, the fossil record contains many groups of aquatic organisms that became extinct during the Flood deposition of the sedimentary rock layers. Some organisms would have simply succumbed to the trauma of the turbulence, being swept away and effectively buried alive.

Others would have found their suitable living spaces destroyed, and hence died for lack of appropriate habitats. Too much freshwater for marine-dependent organisms or vice versa would have killed those unable to adapt. However, not only are there such salt versus freshwater problems for aquatic organisms, but also problems of temperature, light, oxygen, contaminants, and nutritional conditions.”2

We will take a more in depth look at these problems next week…until then, look at fresh and salt water creatures with a sense of awe, for it was amazing God that allowed them to overcome horrific circumstances! Find out more next week...

Until then, take care and God bless!
Willow Dressel

This week in the night skies; for the northern hemisphere…”Saturday, March 14, On the traditional divide between the winter and spring sky is dim Cancer, marked this year by Jupiter. Wintry Gemini is to its west, and Leo of spring is to its east. Don't be too distracted by Jupiter; Cancer also hosts the Beehive Star Cluster, M44, in its middle. Look for it 6° to Jupiter's upper right after dark. That's about the width of a binocular's field of view. Algol should be in mideclipse around 9 p.m. Eastern Daylight Time.

For the southern skies; “Venus is prominent in the twilight evening sky. Mars is lost in the twilight. Jupiter is the brightest object in the late evening sky. Saturn is in the head of the Scorpion and is visited by the waning Moon on March 12. Mercury is prominent in the morning sky.”3


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