Hey everyone! How are you all today? What’s the weather like there? Here it is raining, raining, raining. Don’t get me wrong I’m not complaining, the water is so good for the land bringing life sustaining moisture. It is wonderful!

The big problems? Well, as far as anyone can tell, there are no huge sharks “swimming” around in swamps. Not only that, but smaller
fossils of sea shells can also be found in some coal mines. How can these marine creatures be affiliated with fresh water bog areas? The answer is simple. They can’t. It doesn’t fit. And then there is the root problem. In modern peat bogs, roots of surrounding vegetation thoroughly penetrate the peat. On the other hand, coal seams have no roots in them at all, not even a trace.
“In the context of a worldwide flood, as described in Scripture and relayed in countless legends among people groups around the globe, sea creatures would have mixed with land plants as seawater flooded onto the continents. And the associated rapid transport and deposition of plant material would explain both the absence of peat-like roots in coal deposits and the flat, sharp contacts between coal seams and sedimentary rock layers immediately above and below them. These flat layers look nothing like the cross-section of swamp peat soils, but they could have been deposited together as part of a single massive watery catastrophe.”1
“The chief characteristics of coal seams—including their composition, layout, and extent—are amply explained by the massive energy associated with a global flood as described in Genesis. And what clearer indication could there be of the insufficiency of regional swamp models than marine fossils such as a shark jaw embedded in the coal? The Genesis flood account still holds the best answer.”2
Don’t you just love science!
Until next time, enjoy God’s beautiful world!
God bless,
This week in the night skies; full moon this Thursday. There are several occults happening this week among Jupiter’s moons. See to get the details!
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